Leben und Wirken Albert Einsteins
Rundgang durch die Original-Wohnung, in welcher Einstein mit seiner Familie lebte und wirkte von Januar 1903 bis Mitte 1905.
Die Vorträge finden im grossen Zunftsaal «Zunft zu Metzgern»Kramgasse 45 (20 m unterhalb Einstein-Haus), statt. Beschilderung beachten. Einlass zu den Vorträgen 10 Minuten vor Vortragsbeginn.
18:30 und 20:00
Einsteins Wunderjahr 1905 in Bern:
Lichtquanten-Hypothese, Atom-Hypothese und Relativitätstheorie
Dauer ca. 25 Min / Prof. Jürg Schacher, Physiker
Einsteins Wunderjahr 1905 in Bern:
Er revolutioniert die Physik, Ausgangspunkt einer einzigartigen Karriere (Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, Quantenphysik)
Dauer ca. 25 Min / Dr. Paul Burkhard, Physiker
Events 2024
November 11/12/13, 2024
Einstein - Lectures 2024 (Winter 2024)
Susan R. Wolf Edna J. Koury -Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill.
will present 3 lectures entitled
Monday, 11 November 2024, 7.30 pm
On Being Distinctively Human
Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 5.15 pm
Character and Agency
Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 7.30 pm
Freedom for Humans
October 9, 2024
A public ceremony will be held to award the Albert Einstein Medal 2024 to Prof. George Efstathiou of the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge (KICC), UK.
The ceremony will take place during the Physics Colloquium at the University of Bern.
The lecture, entitled "Do we have a standard model of cosmology?", will commence at 16:15 in Lecture Hall B6 of the Exact Sciences building.

Events 2023
Einstein Lectures 2023
December 4 - 6, 2023.
Prof. Maryna Viazovska
EPF Lausanne, Fields Medal 2022
'Sphere Packings'
Monday, December 4, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
The sphere packing problem
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Sphere packings in very big dimensions
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 7.30 p.m.
Sphere packings and Fourier interpolation
Albert Einstein Medal 2023
Public ceremony for the award of the medal to
Dr. Luc Blanchet
Mittwoch 4. Oktober 2023, 16:15h
Universität Bern
Exakte Wissenschaften
Sidlerstrasse 5 / Hörsaal B6

The discovery and measurement of gravitational waves emitted by compact binary systems by the LIGO and Virgo detectors is explained in first approximation by the famous Einstein quadrupole formula of 1918. However (as was shown by the Caltech group in 1993), in order to extract all the physical information contained in the signals one needs to push the approximation much beyond the quadrupole formula. This is the goal of the post-Newtonian theory. In this talk we describe the advances and latest results obtained with this theory, and how it compares with gravitational wave observations.
Museumsnacht BERN 2023
Freitag 17. März 18–02H
Museumsnacht - Webpage,
Events 2022
Einstein-Lectures 2022
12th - 14th December 2022
Prof. Didier Queloz,
Cambridge University,UK /
ETH Zürich
3 lectures on the topic
More infos,
Awarding of the Einstein - Medal 2020
The public ceremony of the awarding of the Einstein - Medal 2020 had to be postponed 2 years ago because of Corona.

June 16, 2022 / 4 p.m. at the University of Bern
Exakte Wissenschaften , Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern
Lecture room 099 (first floor)
The event is open to the public.
Prof. Heino Falcke (Radboud University Nijmegen, TheNetherlands), representing the EHT collaboration, will give a talk entitled "Looking at the end of space and time: imaging black holes" and will also report on the latest results.
The Albert Einstein Society Berne awards its 2020 Einstein Medal to the international collaboration of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in recognition of the groundbreaking imaging of the shadow of the supermassive black hole in the center of the distant galaxy Messier M87.
The collaboration, consisting of over 200 scientists from all continents succeeded, by employing interferometric methods, to obtain images of the shadow of the giant but far away object that arises from strong gravitational effects on electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of a black hole.
This effect, predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, could be observed thanks to the worldwide network of eight existing radiotelescopes. This observation opens a new era of studying black holes and testing Einstein's general theory of relativity in strong gravitational fields.
During the public Einstein Celebration of the Albert-Einstein Gesellschaft (date not defined) the Einstein Medal will be handed over to the representatives of the collaboration, Dr. Sheperd Doeleman, Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA and Prof. Heino Falcke, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
100 Years Nobel Prize for Albert Einstein
9 April 2022, 10.15 - 17.15 h
On 9 April 2022, a one-day symposium will take place in Bern at the University of Bern, UniS Lecture hall S003. With the formulation of the light quantum hypothesis in 1905, Einstein advanced the development of quantum theory in a decisive way.
Today, modern quantum technology determines much of our everyday life. The symposium will highlight the technological impact and current state of quantum optics achieved since Einstein's work.
Programm Symposium 9.April 2022
Abstracts Symposium 9. April 2022
Further events:
100 years ago: Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize
Together, the Einstein Society Bern and the Swedish Embassy in Bern, commemorate the 100 anniversary of Albert Einstein receiving the Nobel Prize. Each in his own way, Albert Einstein and Alfred Nobel were two great minds whose legacies are as important today as ever.
An information panel, created by the Swedish Embassy, was ceremonially inaugurated at the Einstein House.

Swedish Ambassador in Bern Jan Knutsson / Prof.Hans Rudolf Ott, President of the AEG
It is not easy to fix the correct date for celebrating this anniversary. For, in November 1922, the Nobel Committee decided to award Einstein the Nobel Prize in Physics for the year 1921 and invited him to take part in the usual festivities in December 1922. Due to already fixed travel plans, Einstein could not accept this invitation.
Read the exciting story about this under: Excerpt from SPG Mitteilungen"
You can find more exciting background information on the website of the Swedish Embassy in Bern:
Interview with Hans-Rudolf Ott on what the Nobel Prize meant to Albert Einstein
100 years anniversary of Albert Einstein’s Nobel Prize
Changes in 2019
At the general meeting of the Einsteingesellschaft on June 6, 2019, Prof. Dr. Christiane Tretter, University of Bern, was elected as a new member of the managing board.
From 1 January 2019, the Einstein House will be managed by Tatsiana Widmer. The previous director Jürg Rub retires after 13 years for age reasons.
Under his direction, the memorial at Kramgasse 49 was able to attract a massive increase in visitors. The Executive Board of the Albert Einstein Society thanks Jürg Rub for his great commitment and is pleased to have found a highly qualified successor in Tatsiana Widmer.